Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Greetings and Welcome!

I've been toying with starting this blog for awhile, and finally decided to just do it, or another year would pass with nothing done.

Brambles, the name of this blog and my intent is to share my journey towards living a better life. It won't be easy nor necessarily pretty, but hopefully will have lots of wonderful moments much like the roses and wonderful berries that are a reward for fighting all the thorns.

What do I mean a better life?  A better life for me.  I'm over 50, separated, empty nester that feels strongly about the whole 'green' movement, organic food, healthy life choices and leaving less of an impact on Mother Earth than not.

My choices are not what everyone can or would want to make for their life, and that's okay!  We each have our own choices to make and path to walk.  I've consciously chosen to start making choices that feel right to me. Recycling was the first 20 years ago! Removing most household toxins (cleaners) and using vinegar, baking soda, essential oils, etc. to clean with, and continually educating myself on the benefits of these changes, then making them!  I won't lie it can be slow going, some are down-right hard!

But when you look at the current lifestyle of many Americans 35-40% of us are obese with another 25-35% overweight, that isn't good and it's only been truly in the last 30 years this has become a National problem.

American's are getting hit on so many levels -

  • Genetically Modified Food
  • imported food from overseas with sketchy practices
  • Toxins in our clothing, clean-products, furniture, etc.
  • Pesticide and Herbacide overuse/abuse
  • Government and Corporate misinformation
  • Noise and Air pollution
  • Commercial farming practices
  • Stress from a myriad of outside influences

It borders on overwhelming!

Don't get me wrong, I'm no saint!  I still enjoy a soda or occasional fast-food type meal, or donut day (as well call it here), but do so consciously knowing what I'm putting in my body!

I hope this doesn't come off as pretentious or "I'm better" as I don't feel that way.  It's just the life changes that I want to make.  I had the discussion with friends last year regarding eating organic (again not perfect but working towards 100%). They that felt buying organic was a waste of money.  Their choice.  My preference is to NOT have milk with growth hormones added or fruit with pesticide/herbacide overload or anything with GMO corn syrup in it (pretzels even have it now!!!).

So, my journey began quite a while back, but more recently, the past five to ten years I've slowly been getting 'greener' and more into a sustainable, healthy life.  I read about people that have  literally flipped a 180 to their life and I applaud them for that.  My journey has been a bit slower and there is still vast amount of room for changes and improvement!  Which I'm going to share here!

One of the recent changes happened when I was introduced to doTerra Essential Oils. I've been using Essential Oils off and on for about eight years now, but have found the doTerra Essential Oils to be superior to any I've purchased before. So I became an Independent Product Consultant, mostly for my own use, but also to hopefully help influence friends and family into de-chemicaling there lives!

So, the goal is to share information and the changes I'm making in my life.  Hopefully we'll keep learning and sharing for a few more decades!

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